In One Piece, the Iron Giant, officially named Emeth, is a mysterious ancient robot created around 900 years ago during the Void Century. Its most notable appearance in the story is its attack on Marie Geoise, the capital of the World Government, 200 years before the current timeline. Emet ran out of energy shortly after this event and remained dormant until reactivated by the sound of Luffy’s “Drums of Liberation” on Egghead Island.
Emeth’s backstory is connected to Joy Boy, a legendary figure from the Void Century, and it seems to have been designed with a powerful purpose, though the details remain shrouded in mystery. When it powers up, Emeth displays incredible strength and even taps into Joy Boy’s powerful Haki to help Luffy fight against the Five Elders, the highest authority in the World Government. However, after an intense battle, the Iron Giant expends all its energy and collapses, leaving its fate uncertain.
The exact origin and function of Emeth remain critical mysteries, and fans eagerly await more revelations as the story progresses.